ECOOP 2024
Mon 16 - Fri 20 September 2024 Vienna, Austria
co-located with ISSTA/ECOOP 2024
Jiho Shin

Registered user since Fri 7 Jul 2023

Name:Jiho Shin

Hi, I am Jiho Shin. I am a Ph.D. student in EECS at York University, Toronto.

My field of interest is in adopting Deep Learning and NLP techniques for automated software engineering tasks (AI4SE). Specifically, I investigate the reliability of LLMs in generating e.g. source code, unit test cases, test oracles (assertions), patches from buggy code (APR), code comments, code translation, etc.

Currently, I am looking for professional positions in North America (Both the US and Canada) to pursue research for better reliability of LLMs in code intelligent tasks.

Affiliation:York University
Research interests:AI4SE, LLM4SE, Code Generation


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